Here at SKINS, we use the most advanced technology of IPL Photofacials to rejuvenate your skin from the inside out!
With benefits that range from tone & texture enhancement to zapping away impurities in the skin, this is the one treatment to rule them all.


Rejuvenates your overall skin appearance.

Improves overall skin tone and texture.

Works on ALL skin types.

Is non-invasive & non-surgical.

Reverses early signs of aging

Restores the pH balance on your skin.

Kills bacteria in acne.

Reverses the appearance of acne, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, wrinkles, scarring, clogged pores, redness & spider veins.

*Results and patient experience may vary.


Our IPL Photofacials use light and controlled heat to stimulate the skin’s collagen & elastin. This causes your skin to become healthier, stronger & more youthful throughout your skin cycle. The light and heat will also zap away impurities such as Hyperpigmentation, Melasma, Scarring and Acne, which will also reduce throughout your skin cycle.

Yes, Skin Rejuvenation one of the safest light-based facial treatments available. It is FDA approved and safe for all skin types, ages, male and female. IPL is considered as a non-ablative resurfacing technique which only targets the lower (dermis) layer of the skin without affecting the top (epidermis) layer of the skin.

Most patients feel minimal to no discomfort, that can be described as a light prickling sensation with increased heat. It mostly depends on your skin type and your personal pain threshold. But do not worry- your therapist will make you feel as comfortable as possible and customize your optimal settings.

It all depends on your personal needs, the condition of your skin and your current skin cycle. Optimally, we would recommend that you have at least 4 to 6 sessions done so that every new layer of collagen within the dermis of your skin can be stimulated.

IPL Photofacials do wonders for acne. Most solutions for acne nowadays only prioritize killing the bacteria in acne by drying out the skin. This is usually a very long and unpleasant process, while still not treating the scarring that the acne might have left. With our IPL Phototfacials we focus on killing the bacteria in the acne, restoring the scarring left from the acne and balances your skin’s pH to help prevent future acne.


If you are using Roaccutane or Cortisone, you have to wait 6 months after your last doses until you can come for your first treatment, due to very sensitive and thin skin that might get damaged during that time. If you have Botox in the area that needs treatment, we would also recommend that you wait 6 months  after the day you got it, so that the heat does not undue the Botox effect.

It is essential that you avoid the sun, tanning beds, self-tanners, spray tans, facials and waxing on the treatment area. If you are out and about, please wear a good SPF50 sunscreen. Use a protective barrier such as clothing to cover your treatment areas. Stop using any harsh chemicals or topical prescription products in the area that needs treatment.

Please ensure that this area does not have excess hair, a barrier like hair on the skin will prevent the skin from absorbing all the light and heat from the IPL treatment. You can shave your hair in the direction that your hair grows with a clean razor. You can also use a facial hair trimmer if you prefer it.

Makeup, lotion, sunscreen and literally anything else that you might have applied to your treatment area must be removed before the treatment. If you forgot this one, your therapist will remove it for you.

Your skin will be very sensitive to any form of heat, therefore avoid the sun, hot water, sanitizer and other alcohol containing products on that area. You will need to wear lots of sunscreen, aloe vera gel if needed and use natural products. We’ll tell you a bit more about it at your consultation.